Monday, June 23, 2008


George Carlin is dead.

This brings up an interesting point that I've made several times before, in that all the great comedians and actors we know and love will die at some point in our lifetime, Robin Williams, Mel Brooks, Clint Eastwood, taking the old legends with them. This depresses the hell out of me. Comments, please, i want to know what everyone else thinks.


Anonymous said...

George Carlin has made me laugh until I have snorted, and when I was younger-until I peed myself a little. As embarrassing as that all is; such was his point that our very human qualities are hilarious.

While it is sorrowful to lose someone so profound, he led a long and impressive life. He reached uncountable numbers of people with his humor; I'd be satisfied if I could even reach one person in my lifetime.

Every time I pick a scab, George will be in my heart. :)

Anonymous said...

It's a part of life. You get old and you die. No one likes this, of course, but the sooner we accept it the easier it will be. I know Rob's grandfather is always reading the obit's, looking for people he use to work with... it's a bit sad. Still life goes on.

I say this without ever having a human death to truly affect, so ask me again after my first heart breaking death.