Tuesday, October 14, 2008

New Years Prep

Okay, now, id like to get this set up somewhat early.

Costumes? and if so, Togas?
Make your own Sundaes?
Apples to apples is not an option.
Bad movie? what shall it be?
making out-mandatory?
Pants: optional?

tell your friends!


Anonymous said...

Make out mandatory WITH your own partner if you have one, if not, grab somebody. Apples to apples not an option?! Togas. And sundaes. And Idk what else. I'll think of something, but now, I gtg to the horse farm.

Little_Librarian said...

Agree with Erin about making out.

Apples-to-Apples NOT AN OPTION!?!?! DUDE! That's a flipping tradition. It better be an option next time I talk to you.

Togas...hrm...there goes the costume A and I had planned...though I haven't made it yet, and togas are easier.

Sundaes. ROCK ON.

They Might Be Giants Concert, I'm very much up to too. A. knows details about that...